The river allows God’s rays to shine, jesus’ love to grow and the Holy Spirit to flow.
Station of the cross 2024
On Holy Thursday Rm 8 at Saint Patrick’s did Stations of the Cross to show our love for Jesus. We dressed up as some of the followers of Jesus. I was one of the women of Jerusalem.
When Jesus came to the Eighth Station the women of Jerusalem held out their hands as Jesus walked past the crowd. He stopped and consoled us.
The soldiers took Jesus’ coat off, walked him to the cross and nailed him down. He was taken down and laid on the ground. It was so sad how they crucified Jesus.
Daniel sang ‘Were You There’ to finish the stations leaving everyone feeling sad and silenced.
I know that Jesus will always love us even though we struggle to overcome our strongest battles in life.
Our visit to the Stone Cottage
On Tuesday the 17th of October Saintpatricks school went to Panmure Stone Cottage to take a look at the old history in the 1800s – 1900s. But before we went to the Cottage, Rm7 had to line up in a single file and my friends Feao and Joyla were in charge of the camera because they had to take photos of our experience at the stone cottage.
When we got there we were greeted by an old couple named Patrick and I don’t know the two ladies’ names . The lady showed the living room first and she was explaining where the cottage was at first because the Stone Cottage wasn’t there back in the days it was on the road that Panmure Mcdonald’s is on today . Then she showed us some of the old things that got donated.
Then she showed us another room which was the first bedroom. She showed us some clothes that they used to wear when they were little. She also showed us dolls that little girls would play with and she showed us the toilet but it wasn’t a normal toilet it was a little thing that looks like a pot.
Then she took us to the kitchen . All of the rooms were really small so we all had Squish. She showed us the pots and the stove Then Patrick took us up stairs and showed us the other bedrooms. When we were walking up the stairs Patrick said to split up into two groups and the groups take turns in each room.In the second bedroom was a mannequin dressed in clothes and there were also two side bed tables and two near the door.
Then we went into the other room but it wasn’t a room to sleep in, it was just a room full with other old things like a corset, perfume, a typer, tea pot and boots. On the other side of the room was an anchor. There was a cupboard full with tinydolls, plates and cups. Then Patrick told us to make our way back down stairs. When we got down stairs we had to say bye and walked back to school.
What is social media?
Social media is apps that you can post photos/videos that other people can see and you can talk to other people that you do or don’t know .Social Media is how people make trends/videos. It’s when they post a video on the internet and other people see it and they make the same video and it turns into a trend .
Online shopping is really used to buy things overseas or just if you don’t want to go inside the shops . The scary part about online shopping is when you search for things that you want and it will come/pop up with things that you want because they save your search history so they know what you want so they will recommend things that they already know. That’s how people know A.I is saving their search history.
Why is social media unsafe/bad?
Social media can not be safe in so many ways , like lots of people blackmail. Blackmail is when someone threatens you to do something then you get so scared
that sometimes you have to listen and that’s when we should get our parents involved not because you are scared but because they should know what is going on. Sometimes it can be scary because people can post bad things on the internet that kids can’t see. That is why social media is not that safe for kids. People also cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is used A LOT, most people insult others for fun and others do it because they are not happy with their lives.
Why can social media be safe/good ?
There are not really many good things on the internet but I know that if your kids go out or go missing and they have a phone on them you can go on your phone and see their location but at the same time it’s bad . If you’re in danger you can go on your phone and call for help and they can do their best to help you or get help for you .
Why AI is good and bad
The reason why AI is good is because it can be used for a good cause. It can help people who have depression or anxiety and maybe Listening to music can keep them calm and can lower their stress.It could also be used for work. Sometimes help the world forget people’s insecurities about themselves.
AI can help people to get your mind off things that you don’t want to think of. You can discover new things that you are passionate about and it can help you get money if you are in need. It can help you build more confidence and enthusiasm.
The reason why it’s bad – It can ruin our preparation and people can post things that other people won’t want. People can spread FALSE rumours about you and could put the whole of social media against you though you have done nothing. People also use AI to DEEP FAKE your face. Deep fake is something that people can use for catfishing and could steal your whole identity.
A.I users can get any type of picture or video to put your face on top of theirs and people can use that for bad use or use your identity for their social media. Stock photos-stock photos are used for anything and you don’t need to ask permission to use it.Stock photos have filters on it.
AI can be used for all sorts of things . That’s why AI is good and bad.