Month: June 2023

Dragon Keeper

On June 22 room 7 did some art about the book that we’ve been reading. It’s called Dragon Keeper. Everybody really likes the story.


 Our teacher Mr Bell told us to draw these creatures but we weren’t allowed to trace them but we were allowed to use our chrome books. These were the 4 Celestial creatures.


  1. Giant Tortoise,2. Red phoenix,3.Qilin and number 4. Dragon. I think almost everyone is doing all of them. I’m probably going to do all of them. But I’m still drawing the Giant Tortoise.



Ki Orahi

Recount of Ki Orahi


On the 13th of June 2023 room 6,7 and 8 did ki orahi. Ki orahi is a game that St.Patrick’s plays.but the day before we all went under the canopy. everyone lined up in their house colour. The teachers were just telling us what to wear. We just Needed to dress up in our colours.I was in  


The next day everyone was dressed in their colours. We all were into houses. The names of the houses are Kauri, Rata,Rimu and Totara.Totara  was yellow, Kauri was green,rimu was blue and Rata was red.


The first team to vs is kauri vs Rata kauri won. Then it was Rimu vs Totara Totara won. Then it was kauri vs totara and kauri won. Then it was Rata vs Rimu  and Rimu won and then it was Kauri vs Rimu and Kauri won then it was the Finals and Rata won. 


Then we all went to the canopy then couch trey we all did a drum roll before couch trey announced the winners and the winners were kauri.


Room 7 has been researching and working on something called the Voyagers. The voyagers is when we learn about the  agent time but it’s about the pacific islanders. We have been researching about James Cook.

James Cook was someone that found New Zealand,Australia and Hawaii.These are some facts about James Cook he was born in 1728 November the 7th  and died in 1779 Febuary the 14th. After I wrote my facts I went my voyagers slide deck and went slide 30.Then I copyed my work from my book to my Chromebook. the slides some of the have questions  and some you to click and drag.